Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Liutsko Anatoly (04.08.1952, Vitebsk), Belarusian painter. He graduated from Art and Graphic Department of Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute, now known as Vitebsk State University named after P. Masherov, in 1979. He was taught by F. Gumen and I. Stoliarov. A participant of art exhibition (since 1982). A member of Belarusian Union of Artists (since 1994). He lives in Vitebsk.

The artist works in easel painting and watercolours.

Among his main works are: «Vitebsk» (1985), «My Hometown» (1987), «Intergenerational Continuity» (1988), «The Unforgotten» (1989), «Lepel. A Blue Cloud» (1990), «Touch» (1991), «The Guest» (1998), «Untitled» (1999), «The Dance of a Lonely Heart» (2003), «Line, Colour, Motion» (2004), «Dancing Form» (2004), «Ships, Sea, Sun» (2006), «Before Christmas» (2008), «Composition №2» (2009), the diptych «Pink Love» (2003), the triptych «Ecological Disturbance» (1989) and others.



Цыбульский, М. Л. Люцко Анатолий Андреевич / М. Л. Цыбульский // Регионы Беларуси: энцикл.: в 7 т. / редкол.: Т. В. Белова (гл. ред.) [и др.]. — Мн.: Беларус. Энцыкл. імя П. Броўкі, 2011. — Т. 2 : Витебская область. Кн. 2. — С. 94—95.



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