Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Levkovich M. Belarusian Actor Peter Laman Playing Radzivill the Red, 2001, canvas, oils, 50x60 cmLevkovich M. Bathhouses.Levkovich M. Wandering Musician, 2007, canvas, oils, 90x80 cmLevkovich M. Paper Dreams, 2009, canvas, oils, 50x60 cmLevkovich M. Prince Olgierd in Vitebsk, 2013, canvas, oils, 120x140 cmLevkovich M. Composition.Levkovich M. Belarusian Shroud, 2005, wood, oils, MDFLevkovich M. My Atlantis, 2005, paper, watercolor, 50x60 cmLevkovich M. Autumn Marathon, 2006, canvas, oils, 60x80 cmLevkovich M. Travel to the Past.Levkovich M. Rome Motif, 2010, paper, watercolour, 42x60 cmLevkovich M. Pace-egger, 2001, canvas, oils, 70x60 cmLevkovich M. Symposium, 2007, canvas, oils, 60x80 cmLevkovich M. On the Other Side of the Day (Todar Klyashtorny), 2003, paper, watercolor.Levkovich M. Vitebsk, 2012, canvas, oils, 60x80 cmLevkovich M. Winter Evening.Levkovich M. Golden Autumn.


Belarusian Actor Peter Laman Playing Radzivill the Red, 2001 [Pictorial material] : canvas, oils ; 50х60 cm / M. Levkovich.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the artist's personal photo archives.

Bathhouses [Pictorial material] / M. Levkovich.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the artist's personal photo archives.

Belarusian Shroud, 2005 [Pictorial material] : wood, oils, MDF / M. Levkovich.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the artist's personal photo archives.

Wandering Musician, 2007 [Pictorial material] : canvas, oils ; 90х80 cm / M. Levkovich.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the artist's personal photo archives.

Paper Dreams, 2009 [Pictorial material] : canvas, oils ; 50х60 cm / M. Levkovich.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the artist's personal photo archives.

Vitebsk, 2012 [Pictorial material] : canvas, oils ; 60х80 cm / M. Levkovich.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the artist's personal photo archives.

Winter Evening [Pictorial material] / M. Levkovich.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the artist's personal photo archives.

Golden Autumn [Pictorial material] / M. Levkovich.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the artist's personal photo archives.

Prince Olgierd in Vitebsk, 2013 [Pictorial material] : canvas, oils ; 120х140 cm / M. Levkovich.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the artist's personal photo archives.

Composition [Pictorial material] / M. Levkovich.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the artist's personal photo archives.

My Atlantis, 2005 [Pictorial material] : paper, watercolors ; 50х60 cm / M. Levkovich.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the artist's personal photo archives.

Autumn Marathon, 2006 [Pictorial material] : canvas, oils ; 60х80 cm / M. Levkovich.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the artist's personal photo archives.

On the Other Side of the Day (Todar Klyashtorny), 2003 [Pictorial material] : paper, watercolors / M. Levkovich // Саюз творцаў = A Union of creators : фотаальбом / уклад. і аўт. тэксту М. Цыбульскі ; аўт. уступ. У. Андрэйчанка ; фат. В. Балоціна, М. Цыбульскага. — Мінск : Беларусь, 2005. — С. 87.

Travel to the Past [Pictorial material] / M. Levkovich.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the artist's personal photo archives.

Rome Motif, 2010 [Pictorial material] : paper, watercolors ; 42х60 cm / M. Levkovich // Зямля пад белымі крыламі : рэспубліканская выстава / Музей «Віцебскі цэнтр сучаснага мастацтва» ; склад. А. Духоўнікаў. — Віцебск, 2010. — С. 11.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the photo archives of the Museum «Vitebsk Modern Art Center».

Pace-egger, 2001 [Pictorial material] : canvas, oils ; 70х60 cm / M. Levkovich.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the artist's personal photo archives.

Symposium, 2007 [Pictorial material] : canvas, oils ; 60х80 cm / M. Levkovich.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the artist's personal photo archives.