Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




The list of major works (no date)


The complex art decoration of the Museum of the History of Public Education, Vitebsk Teacher's Training Institute.

The design of the Beshenkovichy Museum of Local History, Vitebsk region.

The design of the School Museum «On a Lenin places», Vitebsk.

The design of the School Museum No. 36 of 43rd Army that liberated Vitebsk.

The design of the Novolukoml Museum of Military Glory of a Partisan Brigade under the command of F. F. Dubrovsky.

The design of the Vitebsk City Museum of Soldiers-Internationalists.

The design of the Ulla Museum of the Hero of the Soviet Union M. Dovator, Beshenkovichy district.

The design of the Vitebsk Police Museum of the History

The design of the Museum of the History of Vitebsk Factory «Znamya Industrializatsyy»

The design of the School Museum No. 12 of Y. Smirnov, Vitebsk.

The design of the regional industrial exhibition, Vitebsk.

The design of the Rossony Museum of Local History.

The complex design project of the Museum of Labor Glory, Vitebsk Factory of grinding machines (OAO Vizas Plant)

The complex design project of the Vitebsk State Light Industry Vocational Training School № 29.

The design of the Beshenkovichi Museum of Military Glory.

The design of the School Museum No. 23 of the Hero of the Soviet Union M. Kuznetsov, Vitebsk.

The design of the Gorodok Aricultural СollegeMuseum of the History.

The complex elements of the World Cup Hellicopter Sport.

The design elements of the Secondary School No. 15, Vitebsk.

The design of the Museum of the History of Vitebsk Hosiery and Knitting Factory named after KIM.

The complex art decoration of the villages Zolotinka and Kichera.