Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




The list of major works




«Compromise», wool, linen, silk, nylon; mixed techniques, 220x260

«Leaf Fall», wool, silk, nylon; mixed techniques, hand weaving, 230x420



«Earth», wool, silk, nylon; mixed techniques, hand weaving, 205x300



«Tatiana and Adam» (diptych), wool, nylon, seed beads, 80x63



«Runway», linen, lurex, wool, nylon, sisal; mixed techniques, hand weaving, 190x290

«Comet», wool, silk, nylon; hand weaving, 140x145

«Crash», wool, silk, nylon; hand weaving, 195x178

«Bronze Period», silk, lurex, wool, nylon; mixed techniques, 195x250

«Crack», wool, nylon, silk, sisal; mixed techniques, hand weaving, 230x160



«Big Fish», wool, silk, sisal, 155x120

«Goliath», wool, nylon, metallic thread, 116x142

«House on the Seven Winds», wool, nylon, linen; smooth weaving, 130x125

«Composition», wool, nylon, glass beads; hand weaving, 140x145

«A Broken Branch», wool, silk, nylon, sisal, 135x130



«Universe», wool, nylon, silk; hand weaving, 125x106

«Chagall's Town», wool, nylon; hand weaving, 140x105

«Eclipse», wool, silk, nylon; hand weaving, 110x80

«The Edge of the Earth», wool, nylon; mixed techniques, hand weaving, 170x220

«Poets Don't Come into Being by Chance», wool, nylon, metallic thread; hand weaving, 190x150

«Bird Creek», wool, nylon; smooth weaving, 155x135

«Shadows of the Rainbow», wool, nylon, sisal; hand weaving, 150x195



«Alaska» (three parts), wool, nylon, silk; mixed techniques, hand weaving, 320x390

«Ages», wool, nylon, silk; mixed techniques, hand weaving, 140x170

«Blue Pearl of the Universe», wool, nylon, metallic thread, glass, hand weaving, 12x150

«Meditation», wool, nylon, sisal; mixed techniques, 105x150



The town of Chagall», wool, nylon, hand weaving, 104x135



«Flora», mixed techniques



«Princess Olga... from the depths of the centuries», oil on canvas



«August», embroidery, satin; author technique, 95x70

«February», embroidery, satin; author technique, 70x70

«Energy of Heavens», embroidery, satin; author technique, 95x95



«A Time of Changes», wool, silk, 110x110

«Autumn Flight», wool, silk


Batik, tempera, embroidery:


«Fireflies», embroidery, satin, batik, nylon, 40x30

«Lilac», embroidery, satin, batik, nylon, 65x85

«Japanese Acacia», embroidery, satin, silk, batik, 64x85



«August», satin, silk, lurex, 41x31

«Butterfly», satin, silk, embroidery, 47x45

«Umbellate Flowers», embroidery, satin, batik, tempera, 50x50

«Emerald World», embroidery, satin, batik, 45x45

«Night Moths», satin, silk, lurex, 40x30

«First Flowers», satin, batik, tempera, 40x30

«Feather», embroidery, satin, batik, 42x34

«Planet», embroidery, satin, batik, tempera, 50x50

«Flood», embroidery, satin, silk, nylon, 40x30

«Relic Butterfly», satin, painting, tempera, 68x68

«Old Park», embroidery, satin, silk, 40x30

«Apple», satin, tempera, 48x48



«Butterfly in the Web», embroidery, satin, silk, 38x50

«White Night», embroidery, satin, batik, lurex, tempera, 50x50

«Sunrise», embroidery, satin, batik, tempera, 50x50

«The Universe», satin, batik, tempera, 68x68

«Flood», satin, silk, tempera, 38x55

«Bee», embroidery, satin, silk, tempera, 38x48

«Sacred Scarab», satin, tempera, silk, 38x48



«Light Elements», satin, batik, tempera, 95x95



«Priestess of Autumn», embroidery, satin, nylon, silk, 40x30

«Wildflowers», embroidery, satin, batik, 40x30

«Freshness», embroidery, satin, batik, 40x30



«Irises», batik, author technique, 30x76

«World of Insects», batik, author technique, 75.5x87.5

«Dragonflies», batik, author technique, 75.5x87.5


Works in mixed and author technique:


«Metamorphosis», satin, mesh; author technique, 86x70

«Beginning», embroidery, nylon, silk, wool, satin, 12x70



«Eternity», satin, mesh; author technique, 130x90

«Fragments» (triptych), silk, nylon, mesh, metal, 90x200

«Sakura», satin, batik; author technique, 95x95

«Cloud», capron mesh, wool, beads, glass; author technique, 87x36



From the Life of Planets», satin, silk, beads; author technique, 65x85



«Nest», satin, silk, nylon; author technique, 110x80

«World Behind the Looking-Glass», satin, silk; mixed media, 110x80

«Winter Dream», satin, silk, capron mesh; author's work, 84x68

«Radiant Landscape», the atlas; author technique, 95x95

«Dandelions», satin, batik; author technique, 110x80

«Alien», satin, silk, mirror; author technique, 95x95

«Dried Flowers», the atlas; author technique, 85x65



«Evening Lights», satin, silk, nylon, 84x68

«Distant Island», satin, silk, nylon; author technique, 86x92

«July Night», satin, silk, glass, 95x95

«Spring», satin, silk, tempera, 92x86

«Crash and Hope», the atlas; author technique, 95x95

«Stairs to Heaven», satin, silk; author technique, 110x66

«The last Leaf», satin, silk; author technique, 84x68

«At the Foot of Heaven», satin, batik, silk, tempera, 84x68

«By the Lake», satin, silk, 95x95



«Ancient Vase», satin, batik; author technique, 84x68

«Life Code», embroidery, nylon, cotton canvas 114x78

«Autumn», appliqué, satin, batik, 84x84

«Transform», embroidery, nylon, cotton canvas 114x78


Stage decoration. Curtains:


«Evening view», appliqué, wool, cotton, tapestry, 5.5x11 m



Triumph», appliqué, wool, satin, weaving, 5.5x14 m



«Fern Flower», tufting, painting, fabric inserts, 10x20 m



«Golden», appliqué, cotton canvas, painting, 6.2x12 m


The list of major works (no date):


«Seasons», embroidery, wool, cotton; author technique, 65x55

«Vertigo», satin, 65x55

«Winter sun», hand embroidery, 73x27

«Moon path», handmade embroidery, 73x27

«Light», satin, 65x55



«Sunrise», wool, silk; hand weaving, 220x220

«Earth», wool, capron; mixed techniques, 230x300

«Stone Flower», author technique

«Compromise», wool; hand weaving, 210x240

«Leaf Fall», wool, capron; hand weaving, 220x240

«Moonlight», author technique, 76.5x76.5

«In Memory of the Poet», wool, capron, 280x155

«Rhythms of the Old Town», wool, capron; hand weaving, 320x300

«Silence», wool, silk, sisal; mixed techniques, 167x226