Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




The most important things for me are colours. Such a wealth of colors, their combinations can not be found anywhere but for in wildlife. Hence I derive everything: inspiration and strength. After all, nature – is a mystery that can not be understood thoroughly, it is impossible to convey all its diversity on canvas.

Victor Androsov


Androsov V. Self-portrait, 2007, cardboard, oils, 100х75 сmAndrosov V. Belarusian Winter, 1992, canvas, oils, 80х100 cmAndrosov V. MushroomsAndrosov V. Summer in VitebskAndrosov V. May in VitebskAndrosov V. People's Poet of Belarus Yakub Kolas, 2000—05, canvas, oils, 100х145 сmAndrosov V. Portrait of Grandma, 1964, canvas, oilsAndrosov V. Portrait of V. S. Vysotsky, 1992, canvas, oils, 134х105 cmAndrosov V. LilacsAndrosov V. The Sun of Russian Poetry A. Pushkin, 1998—99, canvas, oils, 118х70 сmAndrosov V. In the Land of Blue Lakes. Braslaw District, 2006, canvas, oils, 60х80 сmAndrosov V. Winter


Belarusian Winter, 1992 [Material] : canvas, oils ; 80х100 cm / V. Androsov // Виктор Андросов : живопись : юбилейная художественная выставка : [каталог] / авт. вступ. ст. Б. Бележенко. — Витебск, 2007. — С. 8.

In the Land of Blue Lakes. Braslaw District, 2006 [Material] : canvas, oils ; 60х80 сm / V. Androsov // Виктор Андросов : живопись : юбилейная художественная выставка : [каталог] / авт. вступ. ст. Б. Бележенко. — Витебск, 2007. — С. 10.

Lilacs [Material] / V. Androsov.

Reproduction is taken from the personal photoarchives of the artist.

May in Vitebsk [Material] / V. Androsov.

Reproduction is taken from the personal photoarchives of the artist.

Mushrooms [Material] / V. Androsov.

Reproduction is taken from the personal photoarchives of the artist.

People's Poet of Belarus Yakub Kolas, 2000–05 [Material] : canvas, oils ; 100х145 сm / V. Androsov // Виктор Андросов : живопись : юбилейная художественная выставка : [каталог] / авт. вступ. ст. Б. Бележенко. — Витебск, 2007. — С. 11.

Portrait of Grandma, 1964 [Material] : canvas, oils / V. Androsov // Саюз творцаў = A Union of creators : фотаальбом / уклад. і аўт. тэксту М. Цыбульскі ; аўт. уступ. У. Андрэйчанка ; фат. В. Балоціна, М. Цыбульскага. — Мн. : Беларусь, 2005. — С. 18.

Portrait of V. S. Vysotsky, 1992 [Material] : canvas, oil, ; 134х105 cm / V. Androsov // Виктор Андросов: живопись : юбилейная художественная выставка : [каталог] / авт. вступ. ст. Б. Бележенко. — Витебск, 2007. — С. 13.

Self-portrait, 2007 [Material] : cardboard, oils ; 100х75 сm / V. Androsov // Виктор Андросов : живопись : юбилейная художественная выставка : [каталог] / авт. вступ. ст. Б. Бележенко. — Витебск, 2007. — С. 9.

Summer in Vitebsk [Material] / V. Androsov.

Reproduction is taken from the personal photoarchives of the artist.

The Sun of Russian Poetry A. S. Pushkin, 1998–99 [Material] : canvas, oils ; 118х70 сm / V. Androsov // Виктор Андросов : живопись : юбилейная художественная выставка : [каталог] / авт. вступ. ст. Б. Бележенко. — Витебск, 2007. — С. 6.

Winter [Material] / V. Androsov.

Reproduction is taken from the personal photoarchives of the artist.