Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Kravchenko Alexey (22.07.1957, Vitebsk), Belarusian painter. No professional education. A member of Belarusian Union of Artists (2002). Lives in Vitebsk.

The artist works mainly in easel painting. Landscape and associative abstract composition take the central place in his creative work.

Among the works are: «Peonies» (1999), «Autumn Landscape with Golden River» (2001), «Awakening» (2002), «Landscape-dream» (2003), «The One Flying Past the Gold Planet» (2004), «Trojan Horse» (2005), «Big Bird with Nestlings» (2005) «Dolly» (2005), «Spring» (2008), «The Dust of the Milky Way» (2008), «Zoo» (2008), «Orange Grove» (2009), «The Golden Calf» (2009), «Luminous River» (2009), «Pacing Dragon» (2009) and others.



Цыбульский, М. Л. Кравченко Алексей Николаевич / М. Л. Цыбульский // Регионы Беларуси : энцикл. : в 7 т. / редкол.: Т. В. Белова (гл. ред.) [и др.]. — Мн. : Беларус. Энцыкл. імя П. Броўкі, 2010. — Т. 2 : Витебская область. Кн. 1. — С. 526—527.