Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

Named After V. I. Lenin




Kukhto Sergey (22.04.1959, Vitebsk - 01.11.1999, Vitebsk), a Belarusian painter. He graduated from the Minsk Art School named after A. Glebov in 1978.

The major works have traits of neo-mythological genre. At the heart of the most works - the author's interpretation of the myths about centaur. The works are characterized by carefully drawn of details, delicate and exquisite design, thorough observance of classical painting techniques.

Among the major works are: «At the end of winter» (1992), «Centaur» (1992), «Chiron with Spartan Women» (1993), «Halt» (1993), «A Beautiful Provincial» (1994), «Polkan is on the Hunting» (1996), «Sleeping Dog Polkan» (1998), «Childhood of Polkan» (1998), «Lake Losvido» (1998), «Harlequin with a Wooden Sword» (1998), «The Abduction of Europa» (1999), «Upbringing of Achilles» (1995), «Rainbow» (1997), «Blizzard» (1997), «Crossing» (1994-97), «At the end of Winter» (1998) and others.
The artist started exhibiting in the mid-1990s.

His works are kept in private collections in Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the USA, Israel, Russia and Belarus.



1. Цыбульский, М. Л. Кухто Сергей Васильевич / М. Л. Цыбульский // Регионы Беларуси : энцикл. : в 7 т. / редкол.: Т. В. Белова (гл. ред.) [и др.]. — Мн. : Беларус. Энцыкл. імя П. Броўкі, 2011. — Т. 2 : Витебская область. Кн. 2. — С. 17.



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