Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Lebedko V. Dialogue During Winter Snowdrift, 2000, paper, pastel, 65х50 cmLebedko V. Two. On the Road, 1995–1999, canvas, oils, 69х99 cmLebedko V. Music of Autumn. The Dance of Dead Mimosa, 2013,  paper, pastel, 46х65 cmLebedko V. Still Life with Ash Berries, 2002, paper, pastel, 65х50 cmLebedko V. Autumn. Land of Lakes, 2001, paper, pastel, 65х50 cmLebedko V. Autumn Cold, 2008, paper, pastel, 50х65 cmLebedko V. Defeated Poppy. Comarum, 2012, paper, pencil, 28х40 cmLebedko V. Peasant Still Life, 2002, paper, pastel, 50х65 cmLebedko V. Northern Still Life, 2007, paper, pastel, 65х50 cmLebedko V. Candles of the Outgoing Day, 2002, paper, pastel, 65х50 cmLebedko V. Quiet Evening, 2010, canvas, oils, 38х38 cmLebedko V. Alarming!.., 2007, paper, pastel, 65х50 cmLebedko V. A Corner of the Native Land. My Yezerishche, 2014, paper, pastel, 65х50 cmLebedko V. Abandoned Village, 1990, canvas, oils, 110х69 сmLebedko V. Winter Midday. Little Fences, 2001, paper, pastel, 65х50 cmLebedko V. Gold of the Russian Land. Quiet Pleasure, 2003, paper, pastel, 65х50 cm


Two. On the Road, 1995–1999 [Pictorial material] : canvas, oils, 69х99 cm / V. Lebedko // Валерий Лебёдко. Художник, педагог, ученый. — М., 2014. — С. 140.

Dialogue During Winter Snowdrift, 2000 [Pictorial material] : paper, pastel, 65х50 cm / V. Lebedko // Валерий Лебёдко. Художник, педагог, ученый. — М., 2014. — С. 180.

Abandoned Village, 1990 [Pictorial material] : canvas, oils, 110х69 / V. Lebedko // Саюз творцаў = A Union of creators : фотаальбом / уклад. і аўт. тэксту М. Цыбульскі ; аўт. уступ. У. Андрэйчанка ; фат. В. Балоціна, М. Цыбульскага. — Мінск : Беларусь, 2005. — С. 79.

Winter Midday. Little Fences, 2001 [Pictorial material] : paper, pastel, 65х50 cm / V. Lebedko // Валерий Лебёдко. Художник, педагог, ученый. — М., 2014. — С. 204.

Gold of the Russian Land. Quiet Pleasure, 2003 [Pictorial material] : paper, pastel, 65х50 cm / V. Lebedko // Валерий Лебёдко. Художник, педагог, ученый. — М., 2014. — С. 182.

Peasant Still Life, 2002 [Pictorial material] : paper, pastel ; 50х65 cm / V. Lebedko // Мастацкая прастора Віцебшчыны : выставачны праект : да 40-годдзя Віцебскай абласной арганізацыі Беларускага саюза мастакоў / склад. і аўтар уступ. арт. М. Л. Цыбульскі. — Віцебск, 2009. — С. 54.

Music of Autumn. The Dance of Dead Mimosa, 2013 [Pictorial material] : paper, pastel, 65х50 cm / V. Lebedko // Валерий Лебёдко. Художник, педагог, ученый. — М., 2014. — С. 214.

Still Life with Ash Berries, 2002 [Pictorial material] : paper, pastel, 65х50 cm / V. Lebedko // Валерий Лебёдко. Художник, педагог, ученый. — М., 2014. — С. 212.

Autumn Cold, 2008 [Pictorial material] : paper, pastel, 50х65 cm / V. Lebedko // Валерий Лебёдко. Художник, педагог, ученый. — М., 2014. — С. 229.

Autumn. Land of Lakes, 2001 [Pictorial material] : paper, pastel, 65х50 cm / V. Lebedko // Валерий Лебёдко. Художник, педагог, ученый. — М., 2014. — С. 194.

Defeated Poppy. Comarum, 2012 [Pictorial material] : paper, pen, 28х40 cm / V. Lebedko // Валерий Лебёдко. Художник, педагог, ученый. — М., 2014. — С. 226.

Candles of the Outgoing Day, 2002 [Pictorial material] : paper, pastel, 65х50 cm / V. Lebedko // Валерий Лебёдко. Художник, педагог, ученый. — М., 2014. — С. 202.

Northern Still Life, 2007 [Pictorial material] : paper, pastel, 65х50 cm / V. Lebedko // Валерий Лебёдко. Художник, педагог, ученый. — М., 2014. — С. 216.

Quiet Evening, 2010 [Pictorial material] : canvas, oils, 38х38 cm / V. Lebedko // Валерий Лебёдко. Художник, педагог, ученый. — М., 2014. — С. 171.

Alarming!.., 2007 [Pictorial material] : paper, pastel, 65х50 cm / V. Lebedko // Валерий Лебёдко. Художник, педагог, ученый. — М., 2014. — С. 200.

A Corner of the Native Land. My Ezerische, 2014 [Pictorial material] : paper, pastel, 56х43 cm / V. Lebedko // Валерий Лебёдко. Художник, педагог, ученый. — М., 2014. — С. 176.