Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




 Kozik Tatyana (11.02.1962, Hotimsk, Mogilev region.), Belarusian artist. She studied at the Akhremchik Republican Boarding School for Music and Fine Arts of the Ministry of Education BSSR(1973–1980). Graduate of Vitebsk Technological Institute of Light Industry, the department «Art design and modeling of textile and light industry products» (1988).

After graduation she worked at the Vitebsk plant «Mastatstva». She works in the field of arts and crafts (tapestry, batik), watercolor and design of women's linen clothes. She is the member of Belarusian Union of Artists (2014).
Tatyana Kozik's works are distinguished by poetry, metaphoricalness, symbolism and even mystery of images in expositions of textile compositions, deep feeling of their roots. The artist's works are not only an attempt to fix the poetry and traditions of Belarusian weaving in our time, but also a peculiar desire to pay attention to the possibilities of modern textiles. Among her works are: «Wings will turn into roots» (1992), «Blue leaflet from heaven» (1996), «Holiday of Autumn Touch of Mystery», «Bird Paradise», «Black Birds Paint Heaven» (1997), «Dominant of Foreign World», «Feel the Golden Warmth on your Wings» (1998), «Nest for the Joy Bird», «Warmth of Mother's Songs», «Euphoria of Free Flight» (2000), «Melodies of Zamkova Hora», «Prints of Amber Light » (2009), «Letters in the Air» (2010), «Star Island», «Island on my Memory Map» (2014), «Festive Singing of Ancestors», «Drawings in the Air», «Riches of the Lake Neshcherdo» (2015), «Time and Space» (2016) etc.

The works are held in the constant exposition of the Polotsk Art Gallery, and also in private collections of the USA, Germany, Israel, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland.



Беларускі габелен [Выяўленчы матэрыял] = Белорусский гобелен = Tapestry in Belarus ; уклад. Л. І. Пятруль. – Мінск : Беларусь, 2015. – С. 104–107, 305.



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