Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Ivanov Ivan (11.08.1981, Daugavpils, Latvia), a Belarusian artist. He graduated from the Art and Graphics Department of the Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov (2003). The artist works in various techniques of painting and graphics, uses different arts and crafts materials. He is a member of the youth section of the Belarusian Union of Artists (in 2014 and 2016). The artist lives in Polotsk.

Ivanov I. currently teaches painting and composition at the Polotsk children's art school. He is one of the organizers and participants of the City Historical Costume Club «Polatskі zvyaz». Ivan Ivanov considers nature involvement to be the main direction of his creative work, therefore the exposition includes plein air landscapes and still lifes. The beauty created by nature and passed through the prism of the author's perception and attitude is of primary importance for the artist. He is distinguished by tremulous and impetuous long brushstrokes, the peculiar coloring similar to expressionistic. I. Ivanov is a regular participant in city, regional, republican, international exhibitions and plein airs along with collaborations. As a Polotsk city dweller, he repeatedly refers to his native city abundant in sacral architecture.

His main creative task is emphasizing natural beauty, simplicity and harmony. Among the works are: «Jars», «Vilnia. Saint Anna and Saint Francis» (2015), «Vitebsk. Tolstoy Street», «Lion», «Young Pines», «Fruit» (2016), «Night-time. Polotsk. Spas-Sloboda», «Night-time. Sofia», «Neighbors», «Pine Lace» (2017), «White Church», «House», «Still Life with Aquarius» (2018), «In Smolensk», «Abandoned Garden», «On the Dvina», «Smolensk», «Saint Sophia Cathedral» (2019), «A Wave and a Sail», «Still Life with a Guitar», «Lake Taboly» (2020), «Little Courtyard», «Kursk. Streletskaya Sloboda», «Aspens», «Spring Arrival», «Poplars. October», «Shchaty» (2021).

Ivan Ivanov's works are in private collections in Belarus, Russia, Poland, Latvia, Germany, France, Canada.