Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Kazak I. Carrying the Cross, 1994, aluminium, wood, 85х14х57Kazak I. Cry of the Earth, 1994, tinted plaster cast, wood 43х32х28Kazak I. Flight to the Parallel World, 1994, bronze, granite, 27х12х19Kazak I. Old Khottabych, 2010, sculptural compositionKazak I. Anguish, 1997, the memorial to internationalist servicemenKazak I. Thinker, 2003, bronzeKazak I. The Music of the Amorous, bronzeKazak I. The Monument to A. Pushkin, 1989, bronzeKazak I. The Monument to V. Korotkevich, 1994, the architect V. RybakovKazak I. Family, 2008, siluminKazak I. Saint Seraphim of Sarov, 2010, sculpture, bronzeKazak I. A Dream, 2000, 60x50 cmKazak I. Taras na Parnase, 2014, sculptural composition, together with S. SotnikovKazak I. Street Musician, 2008, bronzeKazak I. Veterinarian, 2011, sculptural compositionKazak I. A Cherry, 2013, monumental and decorative sculpture


A Cherry, 2013 [Material] : monumental and decorative sculpture / I. Kazak.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

Anguish, 1997 [Material] : memorial to international servicemen / I. Kazak.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

Carrying the Cross, 1994 [Material] : aluminium, wood ; 85х14х57 cm / I. Kazak // Першы Міжнародны пленэр «Малевіч. УНОВІС. Сучаснасць» : каталог / мастак і склад. А. І. Дасужаў. – Мінск, 1995. – С. 36. – Тэкст парал. на бел., рус. і англ. мовах.

Cry of the Earth, 1994 [Material] : tinted plaster cast, wood ; 43х32х28 cm / I. Kazak // Першы Міжнародны пленэр «Малевіч. УНОВІС. Сучаснасць» : каталог / мастак і склад. А. І. Дасужаў. – Мінск, 1995. – С. 37. – Тэкст парал. на бел., рус. і англ. мовах.

Dream, 2000 [Material] : 60х50 cm / I. Kazak.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

Family, 2008 [Material] : silumin / I. Kazak.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

Flight to the Parallel World, 1994 [Material] : bronze, granite ; 27х12х19 cm / I. Kazak // Першы Міжнародны пленэр «Малевіч. УНОВІС. Сучаснасць» : каталог / мастак і склад. А. І. Дасужаў. – Мінск, 1995. – С. 38. – Тэкст парал. на бел., рус. і англ. мовах.

Old Khottabych, 2010 [Material] : sculptural composition / I. Kazak.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

Saint Seraphim of Sarov, 2010 [Material] : bronze / I. Kazak.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

Street Musician, 2008 [Material] : bronze / I. Kazak.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

Taras na Parnase, 2014 [Material] : sculptural composition, together with S. Sotnikov / I. Kazak.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

The Monument to A. Pushkin, 1989 [Material] : bronze / I. Kazak.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

The Monument to Vladimir Korotkevich, 1994 [Material] : bronze / I. Kazak.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

The Music of the Amorous [Material] : bronze / I. Kazak // Мастацкая прастора Віцебшчыны : выставачны праект : да 40-годдзя Віцебскай абласной арганізацыі Беларускага саюза мастакоў / склад. і аўтар уступ. арт. М. Л. Цыбульскі. – Віцебск : Віцеб. абл. друк., 2009. – С. 17.

Thinker, 2003 [Material] : bronze / I. Kazak // Саюз творцаў = A Union of creators : фотаальбом / уклад. і аўт. тэксту М. Цыбульскі ; аўт. уступ. У. Андрэйчанка ; фат. В. Балоціна, М. Цыбульскага. – Мінск : Беларусь, 2005. – С. 57.

Veterinarian, 2011 [Material] : sculptural composition / I. Kazak.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.