Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Art Exhibitions of B. Lalyko



– exhibition «From Artists to Vitebsk», Vitebsk. Exhibition Hall of the Belarusian Union of Artists.



– exhibition «Christendom. The ІІІ Millennium», Vitebsk. Exhibition Hall of the Belarusian Union of Artists;
– exhibition «Still Life», Vitebsk. Exhibition Hall of the Belarusian Union of Artists.



– exhibition «Watercolor Commonwealth -2002», Vitebsk. Exhibition Hall of the Belarusian Union of Artists.



– open air named after I. Khrutsky, Braslav.



– exhibition of the artists of Vitebsk branch of the Belarusian Union of Artists, Smolensk;
– exhibition «My Town», Vitebsk. (the exhibition hall of the Museum Vitebsk center of Modern Art);
– exhibition «Nude», Vitebsk. (the exhibition hall of the Museum Vitebsk center of Modern Art);
– personal exhibition, Vitebsk. (the exhibition hall of the Museum Vitebsk center of Modern Art).



– І biennale of painting, graphics and sculpture, Minsk;
– exhibition «THE BEST», Vitebsk. (the exhibition hall of the Museum Vitebsk center of Modern Art).



– exhibition of Vitebsk artists, Vitebsk, Luzhesno;
– republican exhibition «Milenium Rodnaga Krayu», Minsk.



– exhibition «Mastatskiye Prastory Vitsebshchyny», Minsk;
– exhibition «Town's Portrait», Vitebsk. (the exhibition hall of the Museum Vitebsk center of Modern Art).



– exhibition «Vitebsk Artists at the End of the 20th – the Beginning of the 21  Century», Vitebsk. Art Museum;
– exhibition «What does Motherland Start with?», Vitebsk;
– exhibition «Vitebsk Artists in Smolensk», Smolensk;
– open air named after I. Khrutsky, Vitebsk region, village Ostrovno.



– exhibition of the works «Fine Gift, Invaluable Gift», granted to Vitebsk Art Museum, Vitebsk;
– exhibition as a result of the open air named after I. Khrutsky dedicated to 1812 , Vitebsk. (Vitebsk Art Museum).



– personal exhibition «S Otrazheniem Svoego Sveta», Vitebsk. Vitebsk State Medical University.