Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin





«Night of the 32nd of December», fiberboard, oils, 70x63

«Stupefaction», fiberboard, oils, 60x44



«Apocalypse or Seventy-Years' Invasion», fiberboard, oils, 102x75

«Vision of Death», canvas, oils, 58x68

«X Time», fiberboard, oils, 70x67

«Devil's Messiah», fiberboard, oils, 75x64

«Impulsive Vision», fiberboard, oils, 62x62

«Cubic Anomaly», fiberboard, oils, 67x62

«Cubic Space», fiberboard, oils, 53x53

«Theatre», fiberboard, oils, 70x56

«The Triumph of a Grey Ball», fiberboard, oils, 108x85



«Scarecrow in a Blue Scarf», canvas, oils, 30x40



«Reclining Person», canvas, oils, 45x48

«Winter Variations», paper, watercolours, 47x30

«Winter Wraps», paper, watercolours, 31x43

«Winter City», canvas, oils, 64x67

«Interpretation on a Theme of a Cube», canvas, oils, 38x56

«Sea on My Table», paper, watercolours, 22x40

«Theft of the Moon», paper, watercolours, 34x36

«Melted Sky», canvas, oils, 46x45

«Cockroach Feast», paper, watercolours, 28x42

«The Jester Who Leaves», canvas, oils, 52x68

«Monstrous Boredom», canvas, oils, 50x65



«Faceless Jester», paper, watercolours, 38x50

«Time That Runs Fast», paper, watercolours, 37x62

«Looking for Truth», paper, watercolours, 39x45

«Yellow Space of the Yellow Ball», paper, watercolours, 60x48

«Forgotten Sculpture», paper, watercolours, 32x38

«Expiring Night», paper, watercolours, 47x35

«Droplets of Rain», paper, watercolours,36x29

«Jesters' Caps», paper, watercolours, 34x45

«Ruin of Illusions», paper, watercolours,39x52

«Ladder to the Sky», paper, watercolours, 38x40

«Dead Forest», paper, watercolours, 26x45

«Sail Filled with Wind», paper, watercolours, 40x37

«Flight of a Butterfly on the Balloon», paper, watercolours, 39x46

«Theft of the Moon», paper, watercolours, 34x36

«Christmas Night», canvas, oils, 46x54

«Dream that Never Comes», paper, watercolours, 38x40

«Shadows of the Old Town», canvas, oils, 46x53



«Night Walk - Clouds», canvas, oils, 50x70



«The Escape of a Pink Ball», canvas, oils, 48x69

«Rain Over the Throne of the Emperor», canvas, oils, 53x70

«Stone Rain», canvas, oils, 44x52

«Unfinished Game», canvas, oils, 56x71

«The Way of Everyone of Us», canvas, oils, 51x68



«Wind That Turns Over the Pages of Time», canvas, oils, 44x56

«The House of a Black Bug», paper, watercolours, 42x46

«Falling Shadow», canvas, oils, 48x64



«Return», canvas, oils, 68x81

«The House of the Keeper of Stars», canvas, oils, 49x54

«Illusive Feeling of Festivities», canvas, oils, 67x58

«Carnival», canvas, oils, 43x50

«Forest King», canvas, oils, 60x74

«Dying Town», canvas, oils, 36x42

«Flight of a Green Arrow», canvas, oils, 80x62

«Tired Jester», canvas, oils, 44x36

«The Story Teller Who Leaves», canvas, oils, 44x56



«Illusion», canvas, oils, 68x55



«Evening with a Black Cat», canvas, oils, 68x55

«Town of Birds», canvas, oils, 51x75

«The City of Jesters», canvas, oils, 69x83

«The House of a Firefly», canvas, oils, 57x64

«Carnival-2», canvas, oils, 42x32

«Waiting», canvas, oils, 60x75

«Pink Snow», canvas, oils, 42x39

«Fairy from the Yellow World», canvas, oils, 44x38



«Yellow City», canvas, oils, 51x62

«Lost Doll», canvas, oils, 50x55

«Walk Through the Yellow City», canvas, oils, 40x50

«Jester with a Red Flower», canvas, oils, 50x60



«The House of an Angel», canvas, oils, 85x100

«Routes», canvas, oils, 85x100

«King and Queen», canvas, oils, 45x55

«Waiting for Wings», canvas, oils, 85x90

«Astrologer Who Leaves», canvas, oils, 52x72



«Return Home», canvas, oils, 85x105

«Composition», canvas, oils, 64x77

«Night Carnival», canvas, oils, 56x55

«Tired Angel», canvas, oils, 85x100

«Purple Night», canvas, oils, 50x70



«Night City», canvas, oils, 80x90

«Desire to Fly», canvas, oils, 85x100

«Town in Winter-2», canvas, oils, 50x70

«Lilac Night», canvas, oils, 50x70