Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Golubev Vladimir (01.12.1937, the village of Barchenki, Vietka District, Gomel Region – March 2000, Vitebsk). He had no special training. The artist worked in the field of monumental and easel sculpture. He was a member of the Union of Artists since 1997. He lived in Vitebsk.



Уладзімір Голубеў // Саюз творцаў [Выяўленчы матэрыял] = A Union of creators : фотаальбом / уклад. і аўт. тэксту М. Цыбульскі ; аўт. уступ. У. Андрэйчанка ; фат. В. Балоціна, М. Цыбульскага. — Мн. : Беларусь, 2005. — С. 36. — На беларус. і англ. мовах.