Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Vasilyev Vasily (02.12.1954, Orsha, Vitebsk Region), a Belarusian artist. He graduated from the Art and Graphics Department of the Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute (1982), the Monumental and Decorative Art Faculty of the Belarusian Academy of Arts (1992). The artist studied under G. Vashchenko. He worked as a Senior Teacher (1992), an Assistant Professor of the Chair of Design at the Vitebsk State Technological University (1998). The artist was a member of a creative association «4–63» (1987–1990, Polotsk). Since 1978 V. Vasilyev participates in exhibitions. Since 1993 he is a member of the Belarusian Union of Artists. The artist lives in Vitebsk.

Among his figurative easel paintings are: «Spring» (1983), «Woman and Bird» (1987); the non-figurative – the series «Gurzuf-2» (1991), «Water Symbols» (1992); the objects and installations – «Dark Blue Object» (1993), «Double Pyramid»(1994), «I am a Homo Sapiens» (1996), «Plastic Standard №3» (2000); «Rising Sun's Rim», «Raising Columbus» (2003), «Rest on the Way to Egypt» (2006), «Flight into Egypt 2», «Who are You, Where are You from?» (2008), «Swinging Tower» (2009), «Sometimes I'm happy» (2009); the performances «Red Wine» (1999), «Star» (1999), etc. The author of the series «Seasons» at the children's unit of the Bykhov hospital (1990), «Flight into Egypt» (2001), twelve icons for the iconostasis of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Dzisna (1992).

Vasily Vasilyev is an initiator and monitor of many individual and group concept projects. He works with the «object» art, creates installations, «land art» compositions.

His works are kept in the collections of the Belarusian Union of Artists, the Polotsk Art Gallery, the Vitebsk Art Museum.



1. Цыбульский, М. Л. Васильев Василий Вячеславович / М. Л. Цыбульский // Регионы Беларуси : энцикл. : в 7 т. / редкол.: Т. В. Белова (гл. ред.) [и др.]. — Мн. : Беларус. Энцыкл. імя П. Броўкі, 2010. — Т. 2 : Витебская область. Кн. 1. — С. 119—120.



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