Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Medvetsky Sergey (10.05.1974, Vitebsk), Belarussian art critic. He graduated from Art and Graphic Department of Vitebsk State University named after P. Masherov (1996). In 1998 he entered the post-graduate course of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus. He worked on the thesis on the subject: «Belarussian easel painting of the second half of 1980–1990-ies. Tendencies and problems of the development» under the guidance of the Grand PhD in Art criticism V. Zhuk. After defending his thesis (2004), he was awarded the academic degree of PhD in Art criticism. Since 2005 up to the present time he is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Fine Arts of Art and Graphic Department of Vitebsk State University named after P. Masherov. He is a member of the Belarusian Union of Artists (2014).

S. Medvetsky lectures on the discipline «History of Belarusian Art» for full-time and part-time students, as well as students from People's Republic of China, conducts practical classes on the disciplines «Academic Drawing», «Academic Painting», «Sketch». He is a scientific supervisor of a number of diploma and master's theses. He has a number of scientific publications on art criticism in the publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus. He is a compiler of catalogs as well as an organizer of some art exhibitions of Vitebsk artists.

In his scientific works S. Medvetsky embraces the creative work of a wide range of Belarussian painters, among whom are the artists of older generation, such as M. Savitsky, L. Schemelev, V. Gromyko, V. Stelmashonok, M. Danzig, G. Vashchenko A. Malishevsky, N. Voronov, A. Kishchenko, P. Maslenikov, V. Sumarev, etc., the average – A. Marochkin, B. Kazakov, V. Tovstik, V. Olshevsky, Z. Litvinova, N. Seleshchuk, L. Khobotov, N. Bushchik, S. Kiryushchenko, A. Kuznetsov, V. Gubarev, V. Shkarubo, etc., the young – R. Vashkevich, S. Grinevich, N. Zaloznaya, A. Ksendzov, I. Tishin, E. Schlegel and others. An important place in the scientific studies is given to Vitebsk painters P. Yavich, V. Kukharev, A. Solovyov, A. Ilinov, O. Skovorodko, V. Shilko, V. Medvetsky, V. Nesterenko, I. Lisitsa, A. Chmil and other authors.



Медвецкий, С. В. Белорусская станковая живопись второй половины 1980–1990-х годов. Тенденции и проблемы развития : дис. ... канд. искусствоведения : 17.00.04 : защищена 00.00.2004 : утверждена 13.10.2004 / С. В. Медвецкий. – Минск, 2004.