Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Zhigur Andrey (28.06.1983, Vitebsk), Belarusian artist and art critic. He graduated from the Art and Graphic Faculty of Vitebsk State University named after P. Masherov with a degree in «Fine Art» (2005), a Master's degree in «Theory and History of Arts» (VSU named after P. Masherov, 2006), postgraduate study (Belarusian State Academy of Arts, Minsk, 2010). Since 2003 he has been actively engaged in scientific research work on art criticism and methods of fine arts teaching. He is a participant of republican and international scientific and practical conferences. Since 2005 he has been included in the database of gifted youth of the Republic of Belarus. Received the Presidential Prize based on the results of the competition of scientific works by young scientists of the Republic for his work «Theatrical Poster of Belarus». Since 2011 Andrey Zhigur is a member of Belarusian Union of Artists and the section of young artists and art critics. He lives in Vitebsk.

He has been working as an advertising artist at the National Academic Drama Theater named after J. Kolas since 2006. In the capacity of production designer he carried out the following works: scenography, costumes, video for the play «Leonardo?» by Ewald Flizar (staged by A. Marchenko); scenography for the play «In-side-Out» (an experiment based on the play «Dublin That Sucks You Down» by End Walsh staged by Tatyana Naumova (Germany)); scenography, costumes, video series for the performance «Bury Me Behind the Plinth» by Pavel Sanaev (staged by Honored Artist Valery Anisenko); scenography and costumes for the performance «It's All She» by Andrei Ivanov (staged by A. Marchenko); in the framework of the theatrical laboratory «Telpa Daugavpils», a set design for the performance «Scream of Seagulls» by Andrey Ivanov was created. He is also the author of the theatrical posters for performances from the repertoire of the Yakub Kolas National Academic Drama Theatre («Back Home», «Vetrogony», «Krakow Student», «Macbeth», «Bury Me Behind the Baseboard», «Lift», «Romeo and Juliet», «That's all she is» «What Hurts?», «I'm Free!», «To Live Up to the Premiere» and others). His works on theatrical poster, on the history of scenography of the Yakub Kolas National Academic Drama Theatre, articles about the work of Vitebsk artists are published. In 2015 A. Zhigur was awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Belarusian Cultural Foundation.



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