Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Great Talker, 2007 [Pictorial material] : granite ; 37х43х25 cm / L. Tarabuko.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the photo archives L. Tarabuko.


Chicken God, 2004 [Pictorial material] : stone ; 30х35х21 cm / L. Tarabuko.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the photo archives L. Tarabuko.


Moon, 1997 [Pictorial material] / L. Tarabuko.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the photo archives L. Tarabuko.


Time Fish, 2005 [Pictorial material] : plaster, wax ; 150х130х40 cm / L. Tarabuko // Саюз творцаў = A Union of creators : фотаальбом / уклад. і аўт. тэксту М. Цыбульскі ; аўт. уступ. У. Андрэйчанка ; фат. В. Балоціна, М. Цыбульскага. – Мінск : Беларусь, 2005. – С. 121.


Holy Fish, 2005 [Pictorial material] : tinted plaster ; 1181х1447 cm / L. Tarabuko.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the photo archives L. Tarabuko.


Sculptor, 2008 [Pictorial material] : tinted plaster ; 41х30 / L. Tarabuko

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the photo archives L. Tarabuko.



Tarabuko L. Chicken God, 2004, stone, 30x35x21 cmTarabuko L. The Moon, 1997Tarabuko L. Time Fish, 2000, plaster, wax, 150x130x40 cmTarabuko L. Sculptor, 2008, tinted plaster, 41x30 cmTarabuko L. Holy Fish, 2005, 1181х1447 сmTarabuko L. Great Talker, 2007, granite, 37x43x25 cm