Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

Named After V. I. Lenin




Gumen F. The White Sea, At the Island Sosnowiec, paper, watercolorsGumen F. Braslav, paper, watercolorsGumen F. The Village Before the Dawn, paper, watercolorsGumen F. Phloxes and Tansy, paper, watercolorsGumen F. Cold Autumn Days, paper, watercolorsGumen F. The Dialogue of Coffeepots, paper, watercolorsGumen F. May Still Life, paper, watercolorsGumen F. The Evening in Luzhesno on the Western Dvina River, 2009, paper, watercoloursGumen F. Pskov Kremlin, paper, watercoloursGumen F. The River Luchosa, paper, watercoloursGumen F. Parental Home, paper, watercoloursGumen F. Rostov Veliky, paper, watercolorsGumen F. Blue Mug and Lemons, paper, watercolorsGumen F. Ancient Vitebsk, paper, watercoloursGumen F. Tanya, paper, watercoloursGumen F. A Cozy Place of Old Vitebsk, 1996, paper, watercolorsGumen F. Spring Windowsill, paper, watercolorsGumen F. Vitebsk. Autumn Twilight, paper, watercolorsGumen F. Vitebsk. Winter, paper, watercolorsGumen F. Winter Road. Twilight, paper, watercolorsGumen F. Winter Night, paper, watercolorsGumen F. Gold Autumn 2009, watercolours, 85х60 cm


White Sea. On Sosnovets Island [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the author's photo archives.

Braslav [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the author's photo archives.

Spring Windowsill [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the author's photo archives.

Evening in Luzhesno on the Western Dvina River, 2009 [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

Vitebsk. Winter [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the author's photo archives.

Vitebsk. Autumn Twilight [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the author's photo archives.

Village Before the Dawn [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the author's photo archives.

Dialogue of Coffee Pots [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the author's photo archives.

Winter Road. Twilight [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the author's photo archives.

Winter Night [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the author's photo archives.

Autumn Gold, 2009 [Material] : paper, watercolor ; 85х60 cm / F. Gumen // Зямля пад белымі крыламі : рэспубліканская выстава / Музей «Віцебскі цэнтр сучаснага мастацтва» ; склад. А. Духоўнікаў. — Віцебск, 2010. — С. 7.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the photo archives of the Museum «Vitebsk Center of Contemporary Art».

May Still Life [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the author's photo archives.

Pskov Kremlin [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen // Феликс Гумен : акварель : [каталог] / авт. статей В. Попкович ; фотографии М. Шмерлинга, — Витебск, 2000. — С. 19. — На рус. и нем. языках.

Luchesa River. Winter [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen // Феликс Гумен : акварель : [каталог] / авт. статей В. Попкович ; фотографии М. Шмерлинга, — Витебск, 2000. — С. 4. — На рус. и нем. языках.

Ancestral Home [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen // Феликс Гумен : акварель : [каталог] / авт. статей В. Попкович ; фотографии М. Шмерлинга, — Витебск, 2000. — С. 3. — На рус. и нем. языках.

Rostov Veliky [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the author's photo archives.

Blue Mug and Lemons [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the author's photo archives.

Old Vitebsk [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen // Феликс Гумен : акварель : [каталог] / авт. статей В. Попкович ; фотографии М. Шмерлинга, — Витебск, 2000. — С. 41. — На рус. и нем. языках.

Tanya [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen // Феликс Гумен : акварель : [каталог] / авт. статей В. Попкович ; фотографии М. Шмерлинга, — Витебск, 2000. — С. 45. — На рус. и нем. языках.

Part of Old Vitebsk, 1996 [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen // Саюз творцаў = A Union of creators : фотаальбом / уклад. і аўт. тэксту М. Цыбульскі ; аўт. уступ. У. Андрэйчанка ; фат. В. Балоціна, М. Цыбульскага. — Мн. : Беларусь, 2005. — С. 39.

Phloxes and a Wild Ash [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the author's photo archives.

Cold Autumn Days [Material] : paper, watercolor / F. Gumen.

The pictorial reproduction is taken from the author's photo archives.