Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin





From a series «The Inrush of Comedians»:



«Do You Think It Is So Easy to Be the Emperor of the French While Being So Small...?» 50х70

«From the Life of Umbrellas», paper, mixed techniques, 70х50



«Catching Swallowtails», paper, mixed techniques, 70х50

«They Didn't Like Rain» (from a series «From the Life of Umbrellas»), paper, ink, 30х40

«Prague Dreams», paper, ink, 50х40



From a graphic album «Vitebsk Sketches»:

«Vitebsk. Chekhov Street», paper, ink, 50х40

«Two Umbrellas», paper, ink, 40х30

From a series «The Inrush of Comedians»:

«Juggler and Black Puddle», paper, ink, 30х20

«Birdman», mixed techniques, 50х40

«Songs About Love», paper, mixed techniques, 50х70



From a graphic album «Vitebsk Sketches»:

«Drug Store in Vitebsk», paper, ink, 30х20

«Vitebsk. Windy Day», paper, ink, 30х40

«Vitebsk. House at Chekhov Street», paper, ink, 40х30

«Vitebsk. House at Suvorov Street», paper, ink, 40х30

«Vitebsk. Old House», paper, ink, 20х30

«Vitebsk. Tolstoy Street», paper, ink, 30х40

«Vitebsk. Suvorov Street», paper, ink, 30х20

«Vitebsk Twilights», paper, brush, ink, 30х20

«Rainy Evening...», paper, ink, 20х18

«Old Houses» paper, ink, 20х30

«Girl and a Lame Dog», mixed techniques, 45х65

«Juggler and Sun» From a series «The Inrush of Comedians», paper, mixed techniques, 40х65

«Nocturne», canvas, oils, 100х90



«White Day», canvas, oils, 80х60

«Hot Chocolate», cardboard, oils, 65х45

«Rain in Vitebsk», paper, ink, 40х30

«Stairs», paper, mixed techniques, 70х50

«Silver Saucers» From a series «The Inrush of Comedians», mixed techniques, 50х70



«Itchy Feet...», canvas, oils, 90х75



From a graphic album «Vitebsk Sketches»:

«Vitebsk. Two Houses in the Market», mixed techniques, 45х30

«Vitebsk. Suvorov Street», paper, ink, 50х40

«Wismar. Port», mixed techniques, 35х45

«July Mood», paper, mixed techniques, 50х40



«...Try Not to Be Caught in the Rain...» (from a series «From the Life of Umbrellas»), paper, mixed techniques

«Vitebsk. Old Balconies». From a graphic album «Vitebsk Sketches», cardboard, Acrylic Paints, 25х20

«Juggler» (from a series «The Inrush of Comedians»), paper, mixed techniques, 45х60



«Golden Mill», mixed techniques

From a graphic album «Vitebsk Sketches»:

«Vitebsk. Evening», cardboard, Acrylic Paints, 18х25

«Vitebsk. Yard Next to the City Hall», cardboard, Acrylic Paints, 18х23

«Vitebsk. Small Street», cardboard, Acrylic Paints, 18х23

«Catching Swallowtails», canvas, oils, 60х80

A series «Small European Towns»:

«Bad Driburg. Queen Frederica», mixed techniques, 35х45

«Bad Driburg. King F», mixed techniques, 45х35

«Wismar. Old Bridge», paper, ink, 30х20«Lubeck.

Buddenbrock House», paper, ink, 20х30

«New Sun», paper, ink, 55х40

«Nocturne Dedicated to the Red Cathedral», mixed techniques, 45х65



From a series «The Inrush of Comedians»:

«Juggler», canvas, Acrylic Paints, 50х50

«Old Town...», mixed techniques, 55х40



«Vitebsk. Pushkinskiy Bridge». From a graphic album «Vitebsk Sketches», paper, ink, 20х30

«Giraffe», canvas, oils, 60х80



«White Little Church», mixed techniques, 20х30

«Vitebsk. Old Houses Near the Smolensk Market», mixed techniques, 20х30

«Vitebsk Letters», Hand-Made paper, Artist's Technique, 36х45

«Morning of the First Snow», paper, ink, 30х40

«Church of the Ascension in Barashi», paper, ink, 30х40

«Theotokos of Tikhvin Church in Alexeyevsky», paper, ink, 30х40



From a graphic album «Vitebsk Sketches»:

«Vitebsk. Krylov Street. House of the Architect Kibardin», paper, ink, 21х29,7

«Vitebsk. View on the Resurrection Church and the City Hall», paper, ink, 30х40

«Vitebsk. the Crossing of Suvorov and Kupala Streets», paper, ink, 20х30

«Vitebsk. Suvorov Street», paper, ink, 20х30

«Panoramic Picture of Vitebsk», paper, ink, 30х45

From a series «From the Life of Umbrellas»:

«...Shtander, Shtander...», paper, ink, 20х30

«Rainy November», paper, ink, 30х20

«Chest Cold», paper, ink, 8х14

From a series «The Inrush of Comedians»:

«А-А-А-Le», mixed techniques, 30х20

«Travelling Circus», paper, ink, 20х30

«Memories About Lower Saxony», paper, ink, 30х20

«Juggler, Wingy and Rain», paper, Brown ink, Pen, brush, 30х20

«Walk», paper, ink, 20х18

«Walk on the First Snow», mixed techniques, 15х18

«Circus Folk», paper, ink, 40х20

A series «Illustrations to the Movie Novel»:

«...In the Cafe...», paper, ink, 30х20

«...On Galernaya Street...», paper, ink, 30х20

«...Bag...», paper, ink, 20х30

«Angel in the Compartment», paper, ink, 30х20

«Dove», paper, ink, 30х20

«Room with the View on the Angel», paper, ink, 30х20

«Martini», paper, ink, 30х20

«Waiting», paper, ink, 30х20

«Tired Angel», paper, ink, 30х20

« the Milky Way...», paper, ink, 15х18

«Princess Goes For a Walk», paper, ink, 20х30

«About Your Insomnia», paper, ink, 45х35

«Chess Evening», paper, ink, 20х30



From a graphic album «Vitebsk Sketches»:

«Vitebsk. Suvorov Street and the Resurrection Church», paper, Watercolors, ink, 30х42