Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Dukhovnikov A. Man and Rain, canvas, oils, 100x60 cmDukhovnikov A. Itchy Feet, 2003, canvas, oils, 90x75 cmDukhovnikov A. Red Armchair (fragment), canvas, oils, 80x60 cmDukhovnikov A. They Didn’t Like Rain, 1997, paper, Indian ink, 30x40 cmDukhovnikov A. Songs of Love, 2003, mixed techniquesDukhovnikov A. Princess Goes For a Walk, 2009, paper, Indian inkDukhovnikov A. Chess Evening, 2009, paper, Indian inkDukhovnikov A. Violin, Town and Angel, 2005, paper, mixed techniques, fragment, 57х41 cmDukhovnikov A. Your Flowers, 2009, hand-made paper, author’s technique, 65x45 cmDukhovnikov A. Morning of the First Snow, 2008, paper, Indian ink, 30x40 cmDukhovnikov A. Vitebsk. Krylov Street. The House of the Architect Kibardin, paper, Indian ink, 21x29,7 cmDukhovnikov A. Vitebsk. Y. Kupala Street, paper, Indian ink, 21x29,7 cmDukhovnikov A. Vitebsk, L. Tolstoy Street and the Cathedral of the Dormition, paper, Indian ink, 29,7x42 cmDukhovnikov A. Memoirs, 2002, paper, watercolour, pencil, Indian ink, 64x45 cmDukhovnikov A. Juggler, 2006, canvas, acrylic paint, 50x50 cmDukhovnikov A. Giraffe, 2007, canvas, oils, 60x80 cmDukhovnikov A. Winter Will Come Anyway, paper, Indian ink, 21x29,7 cm


Vitebsk. Krylov Street. The House of the Architect Kibardin. [Material] : paper, Indian ink, 21x29,7 сm / A. Dukhovnikov.

Photo is taken from the website

Vitebsk. Y. Kupala Street [Material] : paper, Indian ink, 21x29,7 сm / A. Dukhovnikov.

Photo is taken from the website

Vitebsk, L. Tolstoy Street and the Cathedral of the Dormition [Material] : paper, Indian ink, 29,7х42 сm / A. Dukhovnikov.

Photo is taken from the website

Memoirs, 2002 [Material] : paper, watercolors, pencil, Indian ink, 64х45 cm / A. Dukhovnikov.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

Giraffe, 2007 [Material] : canvas, oils, 60х80 cm / A. Dukhovnikov.

Photo is taken from the website

Juggler, 2006 [Material] : canvas, acrylic paint, 50х50 cm / A. Dukhovnikov.

Photo is taken from the website

Winter Will Come Anyway [Material] : paper, Indian ink, 21x29,7 сm / A. Dukhovnikov.

Photo is taken from the website

Red Armchair (fragment) [Material] : canvas, oils, 80х60 cm / A. Dukhovnikov.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

They Didn't Like Rain, 1997 [Material] : paper, Indian ink, 30х40 cm / A. Dukhovnikov.

Photo is taken from the website

Songs of Love, 2003 [Material] : mixed techniques / A. Dukhovnikov // Саюз творцаў = A Union of creators : фотаальбом / уклад. і аўт. тэксту М. Цыбульскі ; аўт. уступ. У. Андрэйчанка ; фат. В. Балоціна, М. Цыбульскага. – Мн. : Беларусь, 2005. – С. 47.

Princess Goes For a Walk, 2009 [Material] : paper, Indian ink / A. Dukhovnikov.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

Violin, Town and Angel, 2005 [Material] : paper, mixed techniques : fragment ; 57х41 cm / A. Dukhovnikov // Зямля пад белымі крыламі : рэспубліканская выстава / Музей «Віцебскі цэнтр сучаснага мастацтва» ; склад. А. Духоўнікаў. – Віцебск, 2010. – С. 8.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from the photo archives of the Museum «Vitebsk Modern Art Center».

Your Flowers [Material] : hand-made paper, author's technique, 65х45 cm / A. Dukhovnikov.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

Morning of the First Snow, 2008 [Material] : paper, Indian ink, 30х40 cm / A. Dukhovnikov.

Photo is taken from the website

Man and Rain [Material] : canvas, oils, 100х60 cm / A. Dukhovnikov.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

Itchy Feet, 2003 [Material] : canvas, oils, 90х75 cm / A. Dukhovnikov.

Pictorial reproduction is taken from M. Tsybulsky's photo archives.

Chess Evening, 2009 [Material] : paper, Indian ink / A. Dukhovnikov // Мастацкая прастора Віцебшчыны : выставачны праект : да 40-годдзя Віцебскай абласной арганізацыі Беларускага саюза мастакоў / склад. і аўтар уступ. арт. М. Л. Цыбульскі. Віцебск, 2009. – С. 15.