Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Lebedko Valery (26.07.1951, s. Ezerische, Gorodok district – 10.03.2016, Vitebsk), Belarusian artist. He graduated from the Art and Graphic Department of Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute named after S. Kirov (1975). He was taught by F. Gumen, I. Stolyarov. Since 1977 the artist had been working as a lecturer, a senior lecturer at the Department of Drawing and Painting of this institution. Since 1991 he had been working at Moscow Pedagogical University, the head of the Department of Drawing and Painting. Doctor of Education (1994), Professor (1997). A member of Belarusian Union of Artists (1993). He was a participant of art exhibitions in Vitebsk, Moscow, Cheboksary, Smolensk.

The artist worked in easel painting, graphics.

His major works are: landscapes «Autumn Overflows. Fishing Ezerische», My Memoirs», «Lake. Night Motif», «Mystery of the Island «Gorodische»», «Father's Portrait», «Self-Portrait with a Mirror», «Portrait with Palette», «Still Life With Musical Instruments», «Still Life With a Red Jug», «The First Twig of Lilac», Still Life in Neglected Corner»; pastel «Lonely Homestead», gouache «Sunny Still Life».



1. Лябедзька Валерый Канстанцінавіч // Беларускі саюз мастакоў : 1938—1998 : энцыкл. даведнік / аўт.-склад. Б. А. Крэпак [і інш.]. — Мн. : ВТАА «Кавалер Паблішэрс», 1998. — С. 337. — На беларус. і англ. мовах.

2. Лябёдка Валерый Канстанцінавіч // Памяць : Гарадоцкі р-н : гісторыка-дакументальныя хронікі гарадоў і раёнаў Беларусі / уклад. С. І. Садоўская ; рэдкал.: Н. А. Бурунова [і інш.]. — Мн., 2004. — С. 713.