Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Stolyarov Ivan (20.05.1923, Vitebsk – 27.09.2015, Мogilev), Belarussian watercolorist, graphic artist, teacher. He studied at Vitebsk Art School (1939-40), graduated from Minsk Art College (1951), Graphic Department of Moscow Polygraphic Institute (1960). The artist worked as a teacher at Vitebsk Art and Graphic Pedagogical College (1951-58), at graphic Art and Graphic Department of Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute named after S. Kirov (1959-85), as an assistant professor of drawing and painting (1979). Ivan Mikhailovich was at the forefront of Vitebsk Art School of Watercolors, he was the author of special training programs, manuals, which systematize method of working with watercolors. Ivan Mikhailovich was a member of Belarusian Union of Artists (1967). Honored Art Worker of Belarus (1993). Lived in Vitebsk, in 2011 moved to Mogilev.

The artist was awarded the medal «For Arts Merits», breastplate «Overachiever of the USSR», 40 diplomas for his creative and educational work. Ivan Mikhailovich was a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. He was awarded 19 government medals, two of them were «For Bravery», «Partisan of the Patriotic War», «For Victory over Germany», Order of the Patriotic War of I degree.

More than a hundred people among the artist's students are the members of professional unions of artists, 75 of them chose watercolors as a major artistic technique.
The artist worked in watercolors, easel graphics.

The main themes of the works: rural and urban, industrial landscapes. Ivan Mikhailovich was the author of several compositions and illustrations in easel painting on military theme. Created more than 1,500 creative works (watercolors, graphics).

Participated in creative tours to Latvia, Lithuania, the North Caucasus and Armenia.

Among the works are a series in watercolors: «New Buildings of Vitebsk» (1958-61), «Braslaw District» (1963–65), «Along the North Caucasus», «Ushachy Sketches» (1974), «Along Armenia» (1980), «Vitebsk Region – the Land of Blue Lakes» (1984), «Time of Thunderstorms» (1987); compositions «West Dvina» (1961), «Zdravnevo» (1963), «First Frosts» (1968), «When the Night Covers the Town» (1978), «Town Outskirts» (1980) «Lake Oslepno» (1993), «Landscape Nearby v-ge Vymno» (1998), «Twilight» (1998), «Trees by the River» (1999), «Rainy Clouds» (1999), «Before the Storm» (1999 ), «Ulla River» (2003), «Summer Landscape» (2003), etc.

The works are kept in National Art Museum, Vitebsk Art Museum, Polotsk Museum of Local History, Museum named after M. Shmyrev, private collections in Russia, Germany, the Netherlands, Belarus, etc.



Іван Сталяроў : ля вытокаў Віцебскай школы акварэлі : каталог / Віцебская абласная бібліятэка імя У. І. Леніна, Аддзел літаратуры па мастацтве ; склад. В. А. Дарафеева, М. Л. Цыбульскі. — Мн., 2013. — 108 с. : іл.