Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Art Exhibitions of F. Gumen


The creative work of F. Gumen is a unique phenomenon in the Belarusian and global art of our time which will not be lost among other illustrious names of the past and the future.

Felix Gumen is a participant of art exhibitions and plein airs such as: the first all-union watercolor plein air (Art and Recreation Center), Sedniv (Ukraine, 1966); the all-union watercolor plein air «Along the Volga and the Caspian Sea» (1967); the all-union plein air «Land and People» (1983); the republican plein air dedicated to the memory of I. Khrutsky in Ushachy (1999); the plein air of Vitebsk artists dedicated to the anniversary of the Mozyr Oil Refinery (2000); the personal plein air «Across Watercolor Germany» organized by the pharmaceutical company «Bayer» of the cities of Cologne and Dormagen (2000).

The artist's activities are honored with the Badge of Honor of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, the Medal for Merit in Fine Arts, the City Award «Constellation of Muses», numerous diplomas.




– first all-union exhibition of watercolours, Moscow;
– exhibition of belorussian artists «Paris, Marseilles».


– reporting exhibition of a combined group of watercolor painters from the USSR titled «Along the Volga and the Caspian Sea», Baku (Azerbaijan).


– zone exhibition «50 Years of the USSR» (Byelorussia, Ukraine, Moldavia, the city of Moscow).


– exhibition «Belarusian Culture Days», Ulyanovsk.


– III All-union watercolor exhibition, Moscow.


– exhibition of the association «Vitebsk Watercolor» (city gallery), Wetzlar (Germany);
– 37th International exhibition, Frankfurt am Main (Germany).


– 38th International exhibition, Frankfurt am Main (Germany);
– exhibition of the association «Vitebsk Watercolor», Hamm (Germany).


– 39th International exhibition, Frankfurt am Main (Germany).




– I Republican watercolor exhibition, Minsk;
– republican exhibition of artists from the Vitebsk Region, Minsk.


– republican exhibition «50 Years of the BSSR and the Communist Party of Belarus», Minsk.


– II Republican watercolor exhibition, Minsk.


– republican exhibition «50 Years of the Leninist Young Communist League of Belarus», Minsk.


– III Republican exhibition of young artists, Minsk;
– III Republican watercolor exhibition, Minsk.


– republican exhibition «Socialistic Belarus», Minsk.


– republican watercolor exhibition, Polotsk;
– republican exhibition «In the Land of Blue Lakes», Vitebsk.


– republican exhibition of the association «Watercolor Community», Vitebsk.




– exhibition of artists from the Vitebsk Region «50 Years of the Komsomol of Belarus» Minsk.


– II Regional watercolor exhibition, Vitebsk.


– regional watercolor exhibition, Vitebsk.


Group and personal


– personal exhibition, Vitebsk.


– personal exhibition, Vitebsk.


– group watercolor and sculpture exhibition «Gumen F., Gvozdikov А.», Vitebsk.


– group watercolor and drawing exhibition «Gumen F., Shappo V.», Polotsk.


– personal exhibition, Polotsk.


– exhibition of Vitebsk artists, Smolensk.


– personal anniversary exhibition to the 50th anniversary of the artist's birth;
– exhibition of Vitebsk artists, Pskov.


– exhibition «75th Anniversary of the Vitebsk Art School», Vitebsk.


– personal exhibition, Babruysk;
– exhibition of the association «Vitebsk Watercolor», Vitebsk, Lida, Haradok, Polotsk, Ushachy;
– exhibition of the association «Vitebsk Watercolor» (Art Museum), Vitebsk.


– personal exhibition, Grodno;
– exhibition of the association «Vitebsk Watercolor» during the International Festival of Arts «Slavianski Bazaar», Vitebsk;
– exhibition of the association «Vitebsk Watercolor», Minsk, Babruysk;
– personal exhibition to the 55th anniversary of the birth of the artist.


– personal exhibition in the Art School № 1, Vitebsk;
– exhibition of the association «Vitebsk Watercolor» (National Art Museum), Minsk.


– exhibition of the association «Vitebsk Watercolor», Pskov;
– exhibition of the association «Vitebsk Watercolor» during the International Festival of Arts «Slavianski Bazaar», Vitebsk;
– exhibition of the association «Vitebsk Watercolor», Lida;
– personal exhibition, Ehringshausen (Germany);
– personal exhibition (private gallery of Remmele), Giessen (Germany);
– personal exhibition «Across Watercolor Germany», Vitebsk.


– personal exhibition «Across Watercolor Germany», Polotsk;
– personal watercolor exhibition, Mazyr;
– exhibition of the association «Vitebsk Watercolor», Lida, Vitebsk, Mazyr, Naroulia;
– personal exhibition (private gallery of Bunte), Giessen (Germany);
– exhibition «40 Years of the Art and Graphics Department of the Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov», Vitebsk.


– reporting exhibition based on the results of the plein air of the association «Vitebsk Watercolor», Mazyr;
– personal exhibition «Neue Aguarelle» (private gallery of Remmele), Giessen (Germany).


– personal exhibition to the 60th anniversary of the birth of the artist, Vitebsk;
– personal exhibition (Bayer Community Center), Dormagen (Germany);
– personal exhibition («Tennishclub» Bayer), Dormagen (Germany).


– personal exhibition (Calerie im Rathaus), Linden (Germany).


– personal exhibition «Vitebsk, Gumen, Watercolor» (Art Museum), Vitebsk (100 works donated by the artist to the Art Museum of Vitebsk).


– personal exhibition «Vitebsk, Gumen, watercolour» (Art Gallery), Minsk.


– personal retrospective exhibition from the funds of Vitebsk Art Museum, Vitebsk;
– personal exhibition (exhibition hall of the Art School №1), Vitebsk.


– personal exhibition (exhibition hall of the Museum-Estate of Ilya Repin «Zdravnevo»), Vitebsk;
– personal exhibition (private gallery «Lust AUF KUNST»), Rehburg-Loccum (Germany).


– personal exhibition «Natur im Jahreslauf» (city museum), Nienburg (Germany);
– personal exhibition «New Watercolor Paintings» (exhibition hall of F. Gumen in the Art Museum), Vitebsk.


– personal exhibition (Art Gallery), Polotsk.


– personal anniversary exhibition (Art Museum), Vitebsk.


– personal exhibition «Master and Pupils» dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the artist (National Art Museum), Minsk.


– changing personal exhibitions (Art Museum), Vitebsk.


– personal exhibition «New Watercolor Paintings in "Square" Format» (Art Museum), Minsk;
– personal exhibition «In Memory of the Leaving Summer» (Art Museum), Vitebsk;
– personal exhibition «Watercolor Poetry» (Art Museum), Brest.


– personal exhibition «With Love, Peace and Joy» (Art Museum), Vitebsk;
– personal exhibition «March Watercolor Paintings» (Art Museum), Vitebsk;
– personal exhibition «Art-portrait» (Art Museum), Vitebsk;
– personal exhibition «Road Memories» (Art Museum), Vitebsk;
– personal exhibition «New Watercolor Paintings in "Square" Format» (Art Museum), Vitebsk;
– personal exhibition «Memory» (Art Museum), Vitebsk.


– personal exhibition «Winter – 2016» (Art Museum), Vitebsk;
– personal exhibition «With Love, Peace and Joy» (Art Museum), Vitebsk;
– personal anniversary exhibition «Shores» dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of the artist (Art Museum), Vitebsk.


– exhibition «At the origins», dedicated to the 65th anniversary «Belarusian Union of Artists» (Vitebsk Art Museum);
– personal exhibition «Walking in Vitebsk» (Liozny Military History Museum, November).


– personal exhibition «Under the Sign of Infinity», dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Art and Graphics Faculty of VSU named after P. М. Masherov (exhibition hall of Art and Graphics Faculty of VSU).


– personal exhibition «On Cosmic Waves» (Vitebsk Art Museum);
– exhibition-salon «Vitebsk Artist» (Vitebsk Art Museum);
– exhibition «The magic of watercolor» (Vitebsk Art Museum);
– exhibition «Vitebsk watercolour. Quarter-century» (Vitebsk Art Museum);
– exhibition «The Tale of IV Season» (Vitebsk Art Museum), December 4, 2020 – February 28, 2021).


– personal exhibition «Vitebsk watercolour» (Vitebsk Art Museum);
– personal anniversary exhibition «My native land», dedicated to the artist's 80th anniversary, (Vitebsk Art Museum);
– exhibition of paintings, graphics, decorative and applied arts «Give women flowers» (Vitebsk Art Museum);
– personal anniversary exhibition «Felix Gumen – 80», dedicated to the artist's anniversary (Rosson Watercolor Gallery);
– exhibition «Temples of Vitebsk Land» (Vitebsk Art Museum);
– exhibition «Vitebsk watercolour», dedicated to the 25th anniversary of «Vitebsk watercolor» (Mikhail Savitsky Art Gallery, April), Minsk;
– personal anniversary exhibition «Classics and Experiments», dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the artist (Museum of V. K. Byalynitsky-Biruli), Mogilev;
– personal anniversary exhibition «Watercolour – it's my life», dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the artist (Art gallery of the National Polotsk Historical and Cultural reserve Museum, April 3, 2021 – April 3, 2022.


– personal anniversary exhibition «Renascence», dedicated to the 80th artist's anniversary (Vitebsk Art Museum);
– exhibition «Vitebsk watercolour» (Art Museum – branch of the Brest Regional Museum of Local Lore; presented 50 works of 24 artists of the creative association «Vitebsk watercolour»).


– showcase of Vitebsk Local Lore Museum «Vitebsk artist» (painting, graphics, sculpture) (Business and cultural complex of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation), Moscow (Russia);
– exhibition «Maestro of watercolours» in the framework of festival «Watercolor Festival in Vitebsk – 2023» (Vitebsk Art Museum).



Opening of the personal watercolor exhibition of F. Gumen. Vitebsk Regional Art Museum. 2011
At the opening of the personal watercolor exhibition of F. Gumen. Vitebsk Regional Art Museum. 2011
At the anniversary evening of Felix Gumen. Vitebsk Regional Library. 2011
Participants of the anniversary evening of Felix Gumen. Vitebsk Regional Library. 2011
Head of the Vitebsk Art Museum Olga Akunevich is opening the anniversary exhibition of F. Gumen. Vitebsk. Art Museum. 2016. Photo from
Head of the Cultural and Historical Complex «Golden Ring of the City of Vitebsk “Dvina”» V. Kibisov is offering congratulations to Felix Gumen. Vitebsk. Art Museum. 2016. Photo from
Е. Marchenko and her student are offering congratulations to Felix Gumen, Vitebsk. Art Museum. 2016. Photo from
Dean of the Art and Graphics Department of Vitebsk State University named after P. Masherov Yu. Bezhenar is offering congratulations to Felix Gumen, Vitebsk. Art Museum. 2016. Photo from
Opening of personal exhibition watercolor by F. Gumen. Dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Art and Graphic Faculty of VSU named after. P. Masherov Photo from the site
Interview with the artist. Exhibition hall of the Art and Graphic Faculty of VSU named after P. Masherov. 2019. Photo from the site
M. Tsybulsky, F. Gumen, O. Sivtsova. Exhibition hall of the Art and Graphic Faculty of VSU named after. P. Masherov. 2019. Photo from the site
Opening of personal exhibition watercolor by F. Gumen «Renaissance». Vitebsk Art Museum. 2022. Photo from the site
The participants of exhibition «Renaissance». Vitebsk Art Museum. 2022. Photo from the site
Opening of personal exhibition watercolor by F. Gumen, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Art and Graphic Faculty of VSU named after. P. Masherov. Exhibition hall of the Art and Graphic Faculty of VSU named after P. Masherov. 2019. Photo from the site