Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Yasnova E. The Cup of Cognition, 2008, silk, author’s techniqueYasnova E. An InfernalYasnova E. Magic of the BlueYasnova E. Haven’t MetYasnova E. Autumn RhythmsYasnova E. A Village BeautyYasnova E. The Collection of Favourite DreamsYasnova E. A DanceYasnova E. Warm Evening


A Dance [Material] / Е. Yasnova.

Reproduction is taken from the personal photoarchives of the artist.

A Village Beauty [Material] / Е. Yasnova.

Reproduction is taken from the personal photoarchives of the artist.

An Infernal [Material] / Е. Yasnova.

Reproduction is taken from the personal photoarchives of the artist.

Autumn Rhythms [Material] / Е. Yasnova.

Reproduction is taken from the personal photoarchives of the artist.

Haven't Met [Material] / Е. Yasnova.

Reproduction is taken from the personal photoarchives of the artist.

Magic of the Blue [Material] / Е. Yasnova.

Reproduction is taken from the personal photoarchives of the artist.

The Collection of Favourite Dreams [Material] / Е. Yasnova.

Reproduction is taken from the personal photoarchives of the artist.

The Cup of Cognition, 2008 [Material] : silk, author's technique / Е. Yasnova.

Reproduction is taken from the personal photoarchives of the artist.

Warm Evening [Material] / Е. Yasnova.

Reproduction is taken from the personal photoarchives of the artist.