Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Art Exhibitions, projects of А. Malei


In 1987, Alexander Malei organized an informal creative association «Square» (1987–1994), which was the spiritual successor of the association UNOVIS created in Vitebsk by K. Malevich (1920–1922). During its artistic activity the «Square» has actively cooperated with the informal movement of artists of St. Petersburg and Moscow, participated in the joint projects. In the late 80's – early 90-ies A. Malei was one of the leaders of the unofficial movement of artists in Belarus.

In 1994, 1996 A. Malei by means of the grant of Soros Foundation organized and held the Ist and IInd International open airs «Malevich. UNOVIS. Modernity» with the participation of the artists from Russia, Poland, Lithuania, the Ukraine, Belarus, to symbolize the return of the name of Kazimir Malevich in the bosom of the Belarusian culture.

1994 – the winner of the International open air «Malevich. UNOVIS. Modernity».

1996 – the winner of the town award «Constellation of Muses».

The artist awarded the Medal for Merits in Fine Arts.

In 1997–1998 based on his own experience, in collaboration with the National Institute of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the artist worked out his author's program «The Course of Modern Art» for art schools. The pedagogical method of contemporary art teaching is a consistent development of the pedagogical method of Malevich, when from the study of fundamental principles of modernism and the Russian avant-garde in theory and practice, through the artistic directions, the training passes to further forms of contemporary art of the XX century.

In 2002, on the basis of his workshop, he set up his own studio of modern art – «Malei's Workshop».

In 2006, in Children and Youth Palace of the Railway District the artist organized the author's studio-school of contemporary art for the older children with the 4-year period of study.

In the late 2000s A. Malei created paintings in the area of cube-square.

«Reverse Information» – a fundamentally different vision and understanding of space. It's double anthropological space based on the three-dimensional and transcendent human consciousness, which is an alternative conception of space based on the nature and the universe. Cube-square is its aesthetic expression. The interaction of volume and plane (cube – the information about a square, square – about a cube) forms volume and temporal space expressed through objects and installations.


The works are found in:

arrow Vitebsk Art Museum;

arrow The Museum «Vitebsk Centre of Modern Art»;

arrow National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus;

arrow The Museum of Modern Art, Minsk (the Republic of Belarus);

arrow Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Russia;

arrow The Museum of Modern Art, Narva (Estonia);

arrow The Museum of Modern Art, Zielona Góra (Poland);

arrow NEXUS-GALLERY-2, Edinburgh (England).;

arrow The Museum of Nonconformist Art of St. Petersburg, Russia;

arrow Pskov State Associated Historical and Architectual Art Museum-Reserve, Russia;

arrow Private Collection of Andrei Plesanov, Minsk;

arrow Private Collection of Ben Poplyansky, Toronto (Canada);

arrow Private Collection of Avelin Rosso, Nien-burg (Germany);

arrow Private Collection of Dr. Karla Biling, Berlin (Germany).





– republican exhibition «Texture» (National Library of Belarus), Minsk.



– republican exhibition «Collage» (The Museum of Modern Art), Minsk.



– republican exhibition «Art Space of Vitebsk», Minsk;
– republican biannual exhibition of painting, Minsk;
– republican festival of modern art, Minsk.



– republican exhibition of Belarussian abstract art (National Art Museum of the RB), Minsk;
– first republican triennale of modern art, Minsk.



– republican exhibition «Ten Centries of Art in Belarus» (National Art Museum of the RB), Minsk;
– republican exhibition «Smart Metall» (National Library of Belarus), Minsk.


Personal (conceptual projects)


– personal exhibition «Reverse Information» (the hall of CMA), Vitebsk.



– personal exhibition «Reverse Information» (National Library of Belarus), Minsk.



– personal exhibition «Reverse Information» (the hall of CMA), Vitebsk.



– personal exhibition «Reverse Information» (the Museum of Modern Art), Moscow;
– personal exhibition «Door» (The Museum of Local History), Vitebsk.



– personal exhibition «Temple» (the hall of CMA), Vitebsk.



– personal exhibition «Absolute Painting» (Art Museum), Vitebsk.



– personal exhibition «Watercolours. Absolute Painting» (Art Museum), Vitebsk;
– personal exhibition «Existence» (the hall of CMA), Vitebsk;
– personal exhibition «Existence», Frankfort on the Oder (Germany).



– personal exhibition «Existence» (Art Museum), Vitebsk;
– personal exhibition «Existence» (Art Gallery), Minsk.



– personal exhibition «The Essences of Things» (Pskov State Associated Historical and Architectual Art Museum-Reserve), Russia.



– personal exhibition «Easel Painting in the Space of Object, Environment and Installation» (the hall of CMA), Vitebsk.




– the beginning of the formation of the theoretical conception of the project «Reverse Information».



The project «Reverse Information» was presented:



– Central House of Artists within the association «Square», 1991 – Teruel (Spain).



– project In-formation-95, Vitebsk.



– art-project «Reverse Information», Vitebsk.



– Edinburgh festival of Modern Art (Great Britain).



– art-project «Reverse Information», Minsk.



– art-project «Reverse Information», Moscow;
– art-project «Door», Vitebsk.



– art-project «Temple», Vitebsk.



– art-project «Existence», Vitebsk.



– art-project «Existence», Vitebsk;
– project «Reverse Information» comes out as a book in publishing house «Econompress» in Minsk.



– project «Reverse Information» comes out as a book in publishing house LAP LAMBERT Academik Publishing in Germany.


International projects


– International festival of modern nonconformist art, Narva (Estonia).



– Х International festival of video films, Teruel (Spain).



– International open air «Malevich. UNOVIS. Modernity», Vitebsk.



– Edinburgh festival of modern art, Edinburgh (Великобритания).



– Edinburgh festival of modern art, Edinburgh (Великобритания).



– International festival of constructivism «Supre MADIzm» (Budapest–Moscow);
– international project «Dedication to Malevich. Suprematist Divertissement» (Moscow Museum of Modern Art), Moscow (Russia).



– «Avangard forum А-2», the project dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the «Black Square» by Malevich(the Museum of Nonconformist Art), St. Petersburg (Russia).



А. Malei, Е. Ge, S. Barankovskaya at the opening of the personal exhibition of A. Malei «Easel Painting in the Space of Object, Environment and Installation». Vitebsk Centre of Modern Art, 2015. Photo by G. Korzhenevsky
А. Soloveyv and А.Malei at the opening of the personal exhibition of A. Malei «Easel Painting in the Space of Object, Environment and Installation». Vitebsk Centre of Modern Art, 2015. Photo by G. KorzhenevskyА. Malei and А. Dukhovnikov at the opening of the personal exhibition of A. Malei «Easel Painting in the Space of Object, Environment and Installation». Vitebsk Centre of Modern Art,2015. Photo by G. Korzhenevsky
At the personal exhibition of A. Malei «Easel Painting in the Space of Object, Environment and Installation». Vitebsk Centre of Modern Art, 2015. Photo by G. Korzhenevsky