Painters of Vitebsk

Artist – a magician, a big heart. It retrieves beauty finds freshness in all subordinates element.

Marc Chagall

Vitebsk Regional Library

named after V. Lenin




Maryshev Anatoly (14.12.1944, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region, Russia). He graduated from Yaroslavl Art College (1968). He taught at Krasnodar Art School (1968–1970). From 1974 and up to now he works in Orsha branch of Vitebsk plant «Mastatstva». A participant of art exhibitions (since 1982). A member of Belarusian Union of Artists (1996). He lives in Orsha.

The artist works in easel painting and graphic arts. During last ten years, the artist deals with iconography; he has his own students.

The list of major works are: a graphic cycle «Composition» – 22 works (1980–1985); a series «People-houses, houses-people» – 9 works (1986–1988); a series «Association» – 12 works (1987); «Pagan Cycle» – 16 works (1988–1989); series «The Lamentation For the Lamb» – 8 works (1989–1991); «Flat Compositions» – 10 works (1991-1992); the series of composition «The Wandering» – 7 works (1994–1995), «Out of Emotions» – 6 works (1993–1994), «Under the Black Sun», «Chernobyl» – 12 works (1995–1996).

His works are kept in Belarusian Museum of Modern Art, in the collections abroad.